Upcoming Events

Weekly Collaboration Bible Study
to May 27

Weekly Collaboration Bible Study

Join us for a joint Bible Study with St. Bart’s Cambridge and St. Mark’s Dorchester. Our Bible study is virtual and happens every Tuesday! Feel free to join any Tuesday! The Zoom login info is below.


VIA ZOOM ID 85019292231


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Celebration of Bishop Carol Joy W.T. Gallagher

Celebration of Bishop Carol Joy W.T. Gallagher

Bishop Julia E. Whitworth and the Farewell Committee for the Assistant Bishop warmly invite you to a Celebration of Bishop Carol Joy W.T. Gallagher on the occasion of her retirement.

RSVP required by December 6.

All are welcome on Sunday, Dec. 15, 2024. There will be an Open House from 4 to 6:30 p.m. with a Program at 5 p.m.

Parking is available at the church. Those using public transportation can indicate on the RSVP form if they need a ride from the Riverside stop on the Green "D" Line.

Donations in Bishop Gallagher's honor are invited. They will be designated, at her preference, for the Bishop Alan M. Gates African Anglican-Episcopal Mission Center in Everett and the Episcopal Church in Navajoland. A gift of travel funds also will be made for the Gallaghers to enjoy in retirement. Thank you for your generosity! You can learn more about this event here.

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4th Quarter Birthday Celebrations

4th Quarter Birthday Celebrations

All congregants celebrating their birthdays in the months of October, November, and December will be invited to offer and receive their Blessings before the Altar on Sunday, December 15. The funds donated will be earmarked for painting and maintenance of the church building ceiling.

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Fostering a Future with Leaders of Color Gathering

Fostering a Future with Leaders of Color Gathering

For Leaders of Color: Emerging Leaders, Clergy and Lay Leaders exploring ministry for our times, from Episcopal Dioceses in Province I (CT, NH, MA, ME, RI, VT, WMA)

Are you curious about how God is calling you to move more deeply into leadership in the church? Are you desiring a deeper connection with leaders of color in The Episcopal Church? If you’re curious about the variety of spaces where lay and ordained ministry is more deeply connected within the church, join us!

This is a day set apart, to draw together in community to listen to the gifts the Holy Spirit is giving for renewal, support, and hope. It is for those exploring a vocation in ministry as well as for those long in experience to share insights, deepen connections, and listen together for the “untried melody, to meet the need of the untried morrow.” (Howard Thurman, Meditations of the Heart)

There will be opportunities for shared stories from speakers as well as with one another in small groups (resources for Spanish and Creole possible). The day will also include worship and a meal together. The unfolding life of the Church in the Northeast, revealing the story of Jesus’ life among us, needs your voice and your presence.

Register ASAP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfnqEYTEDJ_2c3D0sgaucPg-fP17X8HXOjlnBSLiIdnju9-hg/viewform

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Blessings Everyone,

As we begin the Advent Season Year C we encourage you to join in the program being sponsored by The Black Church United. St. Mark's & St. Bart's will be hosting on Dec. 11.

Please share this information with your family and friends to attend. The zoom link is noted below.

Other Dates:

Wed,  December 3,St. Augustine/St. Martin

Wed,  December 11, St. Marks & St. Bartholomew's

Wed, December 18, Church of the Holy Spirit 


Phone Call: (929) 205-6099 Meeting ID: 723.746.0568

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Holiday Wreath Fundraiser
to Dec 15

Holiday Wreath Fundraiser

  • St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are hosting our annual Holiday Wreath Fundraiser starting Sunday December 1st! There will be plain ($20) and decorated ($25) wreaths for sale. Our own parishioners are decorating the wreaths.

We have 100 wreaths to sell. Please come and invite your friends for this time of fellowship! You can share this flyer with your friends and family!

Sidewalk Sales on Weekends from 12/1-12/15

Saturdays ( 12/7, 12/14 ) 10 AM -2 PM

Sundays (12/1, 12/8, 12/15) 11 AM - 3 PM

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Holiday Wreath Prep

Holiday Wreath Prep

We are looking for parishioners to help decorate wreaths on Saturday, November 30th at noon. These wreaths will then be sold the following day.

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BIPOC Support Committee Dinner

BIPOC Support Committee Dinner

The BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Support Committee of the Racial Justice Commission is hosting a dinner for all clergy and lay people of color. Come together for fellowship with BIPOC brothers, sisters, siblings from across the diocese for a time to support and share with one another over good food in the joy of community as we enter the fall. Contact Deacon Mark for more information.

Location: St. Stephen’s Church 419 Shawmut Ave., in the South End of Boston.

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